Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Death and Journey of the Egyptian Soul

No other country- not even China or India had such a long history as Ancient Egypt. For nearly, 3,000 years before the birth of Jesus, the Egyptians had already a high developed civilization. The Egyptians lived in an orderly government; they built great stone structures; most of important of all they established an acquired religion. For the Egyptians there was no break between their religious beliefs and their daily life. Even their culture would all lie at the bottom compared to their religious beliefs. For an example, Egyptian art was never reflected as a representation; however, it was a sense of symbolic pictures that spoke of the life of the gods and the hope of eternity to come. This desire for the renewal of life, and the creative urge to ensure it by ritual and symbolism existed in Egypt from the earliest times of the Neolithic Era. Archaeologist were able to uncover clay figurines of Osiris laced with sprouting corn. As the corn grew the model would open, as an image of life-in- death. Archaeologist were also able to find that their people also liked to keep the dead close to them. The Egyptians soon came to believe deeply that the good administration of the dead, just like the management of the Nile†s water could lead to an everlasting life. Many think of the Ancient Egyptians as a morbid, death-obsessed people. We think of this because all of what we have uncovered is mummies, tombs, and graves. However, we know more about the Egyptians in death than what we know about their lives. Since, the earliest times the Egyptians were very passionately concerned with the continued existence of their loved ones and their souls. The idea that Osiris had passes through death and risen into a new life was deeply rooted in the Egyptian consciousness that Osiris had to struggle against the forces of evil. So did the human soul now following him to gain eternity. By 2,500 BCE, helpful instructions, known as the pyramid texts were carved or painted on tomb walls to help the soul act in the various trials of it journey in the Netherworld (also referred to as the Under World). A thousand years later, in the New Kingdom, these instructions had been formalized into The Coming into Day, or The Egyptian Book of the Dead. This magical text for the underworld journey was a set of spells, incantations, and mummification techniques designed to help the dead person resurrect into a glorious afterlife in â€Å"heaven, † or â€Å"The Hall of the Two Truths. † These mystical texts are from the New Kingdom. The similar ones that were found in the pyramids from the Old Kingdom, and the coffins were from the Middle Kingdom. One can imagine these text by thinking about how church rituals are run. One goes to church, and the rituals are holy texts that come from a book known as the bible or genesis. In Ancient Egypt, these burial rituals are not read from a book. At first, they are read directly off of the wall in inner chambers of a pyramid; later they were read directly off sides of the coffins. The Coming into Day, which was from the New Kingdom, was read off of papyrus sheets, much as religious rituals are today as they are read out of books. The Book of the Dead was to be relatively cheap to purchase. As an Egyptian that had more riches in the New Kingdom, one would be able to buy a copy that would have blanks where the names go. A scribe would be hired to insert the name in all those blank spots. In the text, the blank spots were the name of the deceased. The letter â€Å"N† indicates it. If there were no name to be put in it they would refer to the Dead person as â€Å"N†. Wealthy Egyptians had a personalized version prepared before their death so many versions have been discovered. One of the most famous one was created for Ani, a Royal Scribe, who lived during the nineteenth dynasty, and died in 1250 BC. If one were to die or a loved one dies, one would be buried with the papyrus scroll. As a result, a few of these texts survived. In the book the body was represented as the Ka. The Ka was the spiritual body that everyone had, which was the mirror image of the physical body. When a person died it was the Ka, which lived on in the underworld. The Ka was not trapped inside a material body but lived symbiotically with it. This was why it was so vital to preserve the bodies of those who were believed to be living in the future world. In many of the great Egyptian tombs, spare heads and hearts were buried with the mummified body in case the mummy should be damaged. Many of the spells in the book for the dead are for protecting the physical body so that the Ka body could live free and happy in the Underworld. One of the most well renowned parts in the book of the dead is the Hall of Maat, which is first introduced in the book. The Hall of Matt is where the judgement of the dead was preformed. The goddess Matt stands for truth, justice, morality and balance. The symbol that was used to shows one†s innocence was the â€Å"heart†. The Egyptians believed the heart was one of the most sacred parts of the body. In the Book of the Dead, it was the heart that was weighed against the feather of Maat to see if an individual was worthy of joining Osiris in the afterlife. In the book Anubis, the Jackal god of embalming leads â€Å"N† to the scales of Maat to be weighed. Anubis then weighs the heart against the feather to see if it is worthy. As, Thoth, the god of wisdom is right next to the scale recording the results. If passing this test one will be brought by Horus to meet Osiris, the king of the dead. To claim the purity and the principles of a sinless life is known as â€Å"The Declaration of Innocence. Here during the Declarations of Independence, â€Å"N† (the deceased one) must claim his innocence. Much of this declaration was based on causing human suffrage and about taking care of everything that surrounds them. Many of these ethical laws pertain to the work social and personal goals according to Truth. It was important for â€Å"N† to declare innocence because nothing evil shall happen to go against â€Å"N† because â€Å"N† has proven innocence. After the declaration of innocence it was vital for â€Å"N† to know the name of the Gods. It was important for the deceased to know these names because the Gods lived on Truth. Hail to you, O you who are in the Hall of Justice who have no lies in your bodies, who live on truth and gulp down truth in the presence of Horus who is in his disc. † Since the Gods lived on Truth it was up to the Gods to save and protect the soul of the deceased. That was the start of the introductory hymns to the Gods, which took up the first few chapters. One in particular is the Re, the Sun God. The ancient Egyptians considered Re as the creator of people. That is conceivably why Re is the first God mentioned in the Book of the Dead. Another God in the first few chapters is Osiris. Osiris is the god of death and re-birth, underworld and earth. Primarily in the first few chapters are hymns and praises to Gods. The beginning of the book is a transition to what I feel is the most important part, the afterlife rituals. Starting at chapter†s twenty-one and twenty-two, the giving to obtain an afterlife begins. One that stuck out to me was chapter two. This chapter is for out into the day and living after. â€Å"O you Sole One who shine in the moon, O you Sole One who glow in the sun, may Ani go forth from among those multitudes of yours who are outside, may those who in the sunshine release him†¦ This section from the chapter means that the Sole One, you; is being freed into the daylight. An additional chapter that was very interesting was chapter seventy-four. This chapter talked about being swift-footed when going out from the earth. Part of the chapter reads, â€Å"I shine in the sky, I ascend to the sky. † This means to me that your passage to afterlife should be buoyant and easy. Many of the chapters were alike to one another in the middle of the book; however, each had a very distinct difference from one another. The book it seems to refer to how to obtain an afterlife. That starts out with the process of giving a mouth, magic, heart, or etc†¦ for Ani begins. One part of the body that is given is the mouth. The mouth would be open by Ptah, who was the human god the creator of Memphis would open the mouth. This part was fairly important in the book because â€Å"N† would be able to speak in the presence of the Gods. By this it also protects â€Å"N†. â€Å"As for any magic spell of any words which may be uttered against me, the gods will rise up against it, even the entire Ennead. † Another section of the book that was fascination was the chapters about transformation. These began and lasted from chapters seventy to eighty. One of the main chapters in the section was the transformation from human to a divine falcon. In the chapter it indeed depicts the actual transformation from the entry to the passage out. In this chapter there was also a real dialogue between character, which I found to be odd considering it was only the second dialogue was used besides the beginning of the book. The falcon must be one of the most important creatures in ancient Egypt because of its mention if the Book of the Dead and it†s use in the Egyptian writing, hieroglyphics. Another transformation is from human to crocodile. That is very interesting because there is also a transformation into a swallow. The connection between both is somewhat odd because a crocodile is supposed to evil and a swallow is a symbol of innocence. Those transformations are quite the opposite. The chapters were very interesting on the transformations because it was uncanny to see what the Egyptians thought of some of the animals and birds. My favorite chapter of the whole book was the Hall of the Two Truths. The Hall of Two Truths is where a person†s would and actions from their life get weighed. If the balance is even between good and evil, the soul is sent to an afterlife. If the evil side over weighs the good side, then the person is sent to a bad place. The person must actually ask, â€Å"Do you know the names of the upper and lower portions of the doors? † This I think means have you weighed my good and evil. Then the person says, â€Å"Lord of Truth, Master of his Two Legs† is the name of the upper portion; ‘Lord of Strength, the One who commands the Cattle is the name of the Lower. â€Å"† These I think means did my good outweigh my evil. This chapter was the most interesting to me because it really described what happens at the hall of the Two Truths. The lives of the ancient Egyptians were based upon religious gods and texts. The Egyptian Book of the Dead was perhaps the most important written record of the importance. It was essentially a book of praises and hymns to the Egyptian Gods. This book was one of the many ways to enter a complete afterlife. The Egyptian society heavily believed and based their lives on the Book of the Dead is on it phrases and hymns to the ancient Egyptian Gods and afterlife passage. The rest of the book just ends with what it started out with, which were eulogistic praises to the Gods. Reading the Book of the Dead made me think more about how religious the Egyptians truly were. I think the Book of the Dead was in fact the key of their whole culture. If they hadn†t believed so strongly in something their purpose of living might have ceased to exist because afterlife is what made them go on with their lives and essentially the Book of the Dead was the passage to their blissful afterlife. The Egyptians probably had one of the most influential civilizations in all of history and the Book of the Dead was one of the key elements that made Egyptians have such a strong era.

The Importance of a Portfolio

A portfolio is a well created collection of documentation that helps the interviewee monitor their growth and success in a specific field. A portfolio should reflect your accomplishments, skills, experiences, and attributes. I believe that a portfolio is essential for you as the interviewee to prove what works you have completed and show organization and consistency which can be overlooked if there is not one present. It also can help you gain confidence when you can visually review what your efforts have become in its entirety where in some cases there might not be any confidence or you may feel as though you have accomplished nothing. In your portfolio should be your resume, a letter of reference, samples of diagrams or events you have worked on in your previous positions or schooling, performance monitoring documents if you have them, school transcripts and certificates showing your grades, and some samples of your skills like writing documents or events that you may have planned within your career. The most essential reason it is important is in its ability to allow the interviewer a better way to review your growth and development and compare it to how you may grow in their company. Another important feature in a portfolio is the fact that it is or should be constantly changing. As an interviewee, your portfolio from 2008 should not have the same accomplishments as 2011 seeing as though you have had 3 years of opportunity to gain new skills, experienced different situations, and overall accomplished harder and or different challenges. Since most people don’t use portfolios, having one can set you apart from other applicants when applying to a position. With a portfolio you are able to customize your style of portfolio and showcase not only your jobs skills and experience, but also your ability to be creative. How you choose to organize your portfolio advertises your personality to potential employers and organizations and that alone may get you the job. The use of a portfolio is just limited to a professional setting, it can also be used in a school setting to assist you in receiving scholarships and grants so that you can further your education. Also sense a portfolio demonstrates prior work or learning experiences it can be used in some cases to obtain educational credits based off of what you have already had experience instead of paying a additional cost to be taught in that field.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Peter Waldo and the Waldesians Essay

The Waldesians, a small community of Christians, originated in Lyon, France in the12th century. According to the Dictionary of Beliefs and Religions they rejected the authority of the pope, prayers for the dead and the veneration of saints. Despite severe persecution and excommunication by the Roman Catholic church over many years they have survived to the present day and have churches in Germany, Italy and in both North and South America. Peter Waldo ( also known as Pierre ( 1160 -1318) is said to have made a fortune by working as a merchant and   by lending money as a usurer, according to ‘The Conversion of Peter Waldo’ an anonymous document of about 1218.   The writer records how, in about 1173 Peter Waldo of Lyon heard a troubadour telling a story. He was enthralled and invited the story teller to his home. Waldo was so affected by what he heard that next day he went to a school of theology and asked what he should do. He was told :- â€Å"If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell all that thou hast,† ( Matthew 19 v 21) Waldo asked his wife which she would prefer to keep – his personal property or his real estate. She was not pleased at having to make any choice, but chose the real estate. He then placed his daughters in a convent and distributed the majority of his money, some to those he had misused, but most to the poor of the area. At that time there was a famine and several times each week he provided food for the people. The people thought he was mad. At the time of the Assumption of the blessed Virgin, casting some money among the village poor, he cried, â€Å"No man can serve two masters, God and mammon.† Then his fellow-citizens ran up, thinking he had lost his mind. But he said. :-   My fellow-citizens and friends, I not insane, as you think, but I am avenging myself on my enemies, who made me a slave, so that I was always more careful of money than of God, and served the creature rather than the Creator. I know that many will blame me that I act thus openly. But I do it both on my own account and on yours; on my own, so that those who see me henceforth possessing any money may say that I am mad, and on yours, that you may learn to place hope in God and not in riches.† Waldo was very interested in the Bible and in 1160 paid for a translation of it into the Romance language. Waldo began to travel about preaching. H e and his companions were known as ’the poor men of Lyon’. The group promoted pacifism according to Kreider and Yoder in ‘The History of Christianity’. ( page 25). The idea of lay folk, many of them illiterate, living in simple poverty was approved by the papacy at the Third Lateran Council in 1179. The pope did however add the proviso that they obtain permission to preach from local church authorities. At this time Waldo’s ideas were in keeping with the Catholic church. Waldo and his followers, by their poverty showed up the laxity and worldliness of many in the church and in 1181 the Archbishop of Lyon banned them from preaching. In 1184 they were excommunicated by the pope. So what had begun as a popular movement had become heresy in a few years. Although a few former Waldesians were welcomed back into the church the response of the majority   was to establish their own church with all the organization that implies – deacons, priests and bishops. Later they would claim that they were the only true church. They quickly became established in Lombardy and Provence Outbursts by the hierarchy of the Catholic church against unlicensed preaching and the group’s refusal to acknowledge the authority and need for the intermediary role of the clergy only served to make them identify Roman Catholicism as ‘the Great Whore of Babylon’ and thus not worthy of acknowledgement. They considered at that time that the validity o f the sacrament depended upon the worthiness of the celebrant   – and as they rejected the worthiness of Catholicism they rejected its priests and sacraments that they administered. Waldesians preferred to study the scriptures for themselves rather than have them interpreted for them by priests as was the rule a the time. Gradually they established churches in most parts of Europe an d became the most widespread of ‘heretic’ groups of the time. They rejected or re-interpreted Catholic sacraments. The eucharist was only celebrated annually and in theory anyone could administer it. The priest became simply ‘a good man’. Most feast days were rejected as not being Biblical . Because they could not find evidence for purgatory within the scriptures they rejected it together with the idea of prayers for the dead. Similar thinking led them to reject saints not mentioned in the Bible. Their ideas became mixed with that of other groups. In southern France for instance they mixed with the ideas of the Cathars. They were so oppressed that there was a crusade against them in 1488 according to Ronald Finucane the pope so feared   what he perceived as a threat to the stability o f the church that an attempt was made to destroy their whole culture. Organised attacks were made upon them in Provence and in Italy. The Waldesians would no t have fought back physically as they condemned war and the shedding of blood. By the time of the Reformation the Waldesians were in contact with many groups across Europe and there was consequently a great exchange of ideas. Many joined local Protestant churches. Gradually they were absorbed into the mainstream of the Protestant Reformation. Not without continued opposition however. In 1655 the Duke of Savoy for instance ordered members to take communion or sell their lands and leave his territory.   After hearing false reports twenty days later a massacre ensued. By this time the Waldesians were worshipping openly in French. In 1685 the king of France Louis XIV renounced the edit of Nantes and so made it illegal to be a Protestant in France. They were under penalty of death or banishment   if they refused to admit that they had been wrong. After the French Revolution the Protestants of Piedmont were finally given religious freedom to worship as they wished and in 1848, the king of Sardinia , who also ruled Savoy gave them full rights, both civil and religious. Today’s Waldesians consider themselves Protestants in the Calvin tradition. They accept the doctrines of mainstream Protestantism and celebrate only two sacraments – baptism and the Eucharist. Authority is exercised by a yearly synod and individual churches by the pastor and a council of members. This is perhaps far removed from one man giving away his wealth and life style for the gospels sake, but the Waldesian church has evolved as all churches do, while at the same time remaining true to its ideals of justice, freedom conscience, and respect for religious diversity. This is exemplified in the American Waldesian Aid Society who carry out such activities as earthquake relief, the care of orphans of war and give help to refugees as well as the formation of Italian language Protestant churches. The fact that they are now considered as a mainstream church can be seen by their close links with the Methodist church and their links with the ecumenical movement . The Waldesians may be numerically a small group,   as they always were , but they were the forerunners of Protestantism and so are worthy of their place in church history. Works cited American Waldesian Aid Society found at and retrieved 13th November 2007 Finucane,R. 1980, The Waldesians in The History of Chrsitianity, Lion Publishing, Hertfordshire. Goring R. ( editor)1992 Chambers Dictionary of Beliefs and Religions, Chambers, Edinburgh. Kreider, A and Yoder, J. 1980, Christians and War in The History of Christianity, Lion Publishing , Hertfordshire. Robinson, J.H.( translator) The Conversion of Peter Waldo found at and retrieved 14th November 2007 Waldesians   found at and retrieved 13th November 2007   

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Comparison of Japan and the Culture of the United States Research Paper

A Comparison of Japan and the Culture of the United States - Research Paper Example Work and business practices that are culturally relevant provide for the development of economic success for a nation. In comparing the Japanese culture with the American culture, it is clear that the Japanese exist in a collective state where as Americans not only are individualistic but aspire towards individualism as a respected state. In comparing the cultures of Japan and the United States, it is clear that the differences provide for very different outcomes in relationship to economy and success. Japan Education and Family The central government is involved in the success of their school systems. School systems are the same throughout the nation with moves from one region to another meaning that a child will not be in a different state of educational advancement in one place compared to another. Equity is achieved through the centralized control of the education system. Communities are not responsible for defining their own education system, but rather there is a high quality o f standardization that exists though out the country (Berger, 2009). Children spend longer days, longer weeks which include Saturdays, and a longer period of the year in school. School systems are only shut down for one month out of the year. Three fourths of the children attend supplemental public school which is called juko (Berger, 2009). Japanese children routinely score higher on science and mathematics tests. One criticism, however, is that so much time is spent on rote learning that concept of meta-cognitive skills are not as well developed. Learning discipline through memorization is emphasized while thinking skills are not fully developed to the capacity that could be achieved. In 2002, the Japanese government made changes in order to create more relaxed learning in order to maximize controlled curriculum at 30% with the rest of the curriculum being devoted to teaching children how to think (Berger, 2009). Family life in Japan, therefore, is based upon the importance of the group dynamic. Georges (2009) shows that the ideal family relationship is one in which â€Å"a feeling of oneness† exists to the point that the members of the family understand one another without having to discuss anything. Contrasting to American ideas of teenage life, when polled on how much teenagers believed that their family understood them, Japanese teens indicated that their mother understood them by 72%, their father by 65%, and their siblings by 63%, while believing by 77% that they understood the other members of their families. It is possible that Japanese generally gain self-esteem by their membership in their family, rather than through direct self- enhancement (Georges, 2009). The family is structured with the male as the head of the family, but the mother taking responsibility for the emotional security and welfare of the family. She takes the responsibility of the children, holding them to her in a method through which she prepares them for the external soci ety through creating meaning in the connection to the family group. Children are responsible to each member of the family and it is through the shame of failure that their success is born. They owe their success not to themselves, but towards the continuation of the family through their efforts. Work and Business Work and business are a continuation of the nature of the Japanese culture through which the needs of the collective are more important than the needs of the individual. A class system has evolved in which a family is ranked socially by the reputation of the company for which he works. The work culture

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Advertising and Marketing Communications of Stella McCartney Assignment - 1

Advertising and Marketing Communications of Stella McCartney - Assignment Example led to the brand’s involvement in the design of Olympic kits for all the competition for both Paralympic games and London Olympics in the year 2012. Stella McCartney was also awarded an Honorary Fellowship by the University of Arts London. Stella McCartney is a modern designer brand that is popular for wearable and aspirational. Stella McCartney’s collection includes accessories, women’s ready-to-wear, eyewear, lingerie, fragrance, and kids wear. This brand is clearly conspicuous due to the blend of femininity and masculinity with the signature style that is characterized by natural confidence and sharp tailoring. Ecological and ethical values seem to be the core of this brand. This brand does not use leather, exotic skins, or fur in its products. However, the brand is well known for the vast use of innovation and creativity. Their products are produced using bio-synthetic and organic materials. At the moment, the brand operates 23 different stores in various locations, including London’s BromptonCross and Mayfair, Paris’ Palais Royal, Los Angeles’ West Hollywood, Tokyo, and Milan. At the moment, the brand collections are now available in more than 50 countries through wholesale accounts that include department stores and specialty shops. The brand has 600 wholesale accounts. However, the brand is also available in 100 couturiers through online sales. One of the communication efforts that have been used by the brand previously is the scholarship of design students who adhere to the brand’s ethical perceptions. This has been particularly effective in raising awareness about the brand’s corporate value. The band would also introduce their products through online platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, mobile application and partnership with department shops. These communication strategies have in a way worked well for the brand in the past.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Simultaneous multiple sales channel increase the intention of Dissertation

Simultaneous multiple sales channel increase the intention of purchasing of luxury brand goods - Dissertation Example However, all this changed with economic downturn of 2009. The Luxury goods market growth was stunted by the recession. Post recession, the luxury goods industry, seems to have survived the onslaught. However, the industry the market for the so called accessible luxury goods has been subdued. The exclusivity that is so much a part of the luxury brand goods has been restored and now more focused, established and pure luxury brand goods are likely to succeed and sustain themselves in the market. This downside in the Luxury goods business is likely to prompt research into finding ways to increasing and sustain the sales of the luxury goods without really tarnishing the pure luxury image of such goods. As per current economic situation, the brand equity for luxury goods has regained a place of prime importance. This raises the question as to whether there are ways to enhance the purchase intentions for luxury brands while preserving the said equity (Euro Monitor 2010). Further, the sustai nability of the luxury brand goods has come into question and found fresh attention from business researchers. Taking a long term view of the marketing efforts, there is a need to investigate the means as to increase the purchase intentions of consumers for luxury brands at a very fundamental level. ... This is so, lest it dilutes the brand image. Thus there is a need to find out whether, the more accessible or economic versions of the other wise luxury brand will be sustainable and in line with overall brand value of the luxury goods. The existing sales channels for any given brand typically have their own strengths and weaknesses. Besides, the effectiveness of a channel varies with time. Thus it is important to find out a way to compensate for the effects of decline in sales through a channel. Another pertinent question that arises from the above discussion is whether new sales channels need to be developed to compensate for the downward trends in a given sales channel. Also, it needs to be found whether they can add any real value in terms of the customer experience. It remains to be seen whether any new channels will really be able to have any positive effect on the purchase intentions of the consumers. If yes then how the additional sales channels can be used to maximize the sa les by affecting the purchase intentions. Luxury goods businesses need to have a guiding tool to help them decide whether and how the specific brand they are selling will respond to opening of any new sales channels and whether they will really be beneficial for their given brand. In this context its important to note that certain brands resist opening new sales and distribution channels for their brands. For instance the Rolex brand owners are against internet as a means to sell their brand (Brand Channel 2012). At the same time other luxury brands are endorsing internet as a sales channel. This raises questions about the validity of sales channels’ effectiveness for luxury brands. These questions can be answered only with proper research into the topic. The procurement or

Friday, July 26, 2019

Irelnd Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Irelnd - Essay Example Much of this success hs been the outcome of dynmic socil progrms developed by Irish government nd dministrtive deprtments imed to chieve greter socil performnce. It ws bsiclly Irelnd's ttempt to provide good working reltionship within the country s well s to rech consequency in immigrtion policy nd interntionliztion process tht shped country's socil policy. The generl orienttion in setting socil politicl or economic gols ws reching greement with the United Kingdom tht would enble the two governments to chieve significnt progress in the serch for pece in Northern Irelnd. These nd other fctors of internl nd externl socil policy of Republic of Irelnd will be exmined in the following pper. Prticulr focus on the interntionl sources of politicl, economic, nd socil trnsformtion will be mde to cover the ptterns of the topic. It is rgued tht these influences hve been the primry source of chnge in Irelnd since 1980 nd hve produced significnt benefits s well s certin problems for Irish society. Together with pressures for chnge by modernizing elites within Irelnd, who themselves were motivted prtly by their interntionl perspective, these internl nd externl fctors of socil policy hve creted synergistic process of chnge tht hs trnsformed the nture of Irish society. Due to Irish dispor nd close economic ties to Britin, Irelnd hs lwys hd significnt interntionl links nd strong position on interntionl mrket. But the trditionlism of Irish culture, reflected especilly by the profound nd powerful plce of the Ctholic Church, gve the ntion n insulr nd defensive qulity from independence through the 1960s. However by the erly 1990s the Republic of Irelnd hd received reputtion s highly dynmic, modern, nd successful ntion. Rpid economic growth in the 1990s hs resulted in high economic indictors nd nd result positive chnged in socil policy of the country. In 1996 per cpit gross domestic product (GDP) ws bigger thn the United Kingdom (UK) figure, nd growth since 1992 hs been especilly strong (Irelnd, 1997). In fct, through 1993-1999 Irelnd hd the highest GDP growth rte in the Europen Union (EU), nd its per cpit GDP by 1999 ws 112% of the EU verge (Europen Union, 2001). The consequences of culturl chnge produced verifictions to Irish economy nd prospects of its politicl sitution. In the erly 80th, Irelnd ws poor compred to the UK nd Europe's dvnced economies. But it ws not poor in comprison to the economies of Norwy nd nd Finlnd for exmple. (Kennedy, Giblin, & McHugh, 1988, pp. 14-15). Its popultion ws reltively literte, nd its trnsporttion fcilities, bnks, nd housing were reltively modern. lthough not industrilized, it nevertheless hd productive griculturl sector nd followed contemporry business prctices (Hughton, 1995). Of prticulr importnce ws griculturl reform prior to independence tht hd turned ntion where mny hd been exploited tennt frmers into n griculturl system chrcterized by privte ownership by independent frmers. long with significntly incresed interntionliztion of the Irish culture, lte 90th hve produced sound openness nd liberlism in the country (Gllign, 1996, 1998; O'Toole, 1996, pp. 11-22). Of gret importnce is the Good Fridy greement reched in pril 1998 tht creted opportunities for peceful settlement

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Baltimore-City Evaluation Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Baltimore-City Evaluation - Research Paper Example Climate was perfect for agriculture, forest area was large and spacious and the Countryside proved to be very fertile. Baltimore County was first gifted in 1632 by England’s King to George Calvert and the name Baltimore County was adopted in 1639 (City-Data, 2009). The town of Baltimore became established in 1656, primarily due to the booming tobacco industry and the dependence of local economy of tobacco. Baltimore’s has had its share of ups and downs, milling flour and grain, which was affected greatly by the revolutionary war. Being the site of the first public railroad in 1828 Baltimore became connected to the rest of the country, remaining impartial for the most part during the civil war acting as a military depot ;despite Maryland belonging to the Union. The city was able to remain prosperous in World War II as well, being a military supply center and escaped World War I unscathed. Physical Site Baltimore city’s topography is characterized primarily by stre ams and capes, though there are 7 bays, an island, lake, summit and spring (Maryland Hometown Locator, 2012). Baltimore city is actually lies within the coastal plain of the Atlantic and the Piedmont Plateau. Stream valleys run through the almost level uplands (Baltimore Ecosystem Study, 2012). Surrounded nearly completely by the County of Baltimore, waterfront property is available with regional choice property being waterfront and the more distressed property being located further away from the waterfront. Baltimore’s down town area consists of City Center, Inner Harbor, west Side and Camden yards. Inner Harbor allows you easy access to the National Museum and Camden Yards is home to the architecturally acclaimed stadium of the Baltimore Orioles, while the Baltimore Ravens play at M and T Bank Stadium, which is down town with a mile of Inner Harbor. Though not considered downtown Curtis Bay allows the distinct opportunity to experience the feel of historical military sites as Fort Armistead and Battery Irons (Maryland Hometown Locator, 2012). Other recreational opportunities the city provides are multiple shopping venues, fine dining and unique restaurants such as the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company, and multiple parks and natural settings are almost always in close distance (City of Baltimore, 2012). Because Baltimore has a variety of unique entertainment opportunities, allows those who enjoy the water easy access in many locations and is home to many historical sites I rated Baltimore’s physical characteristics an 8. This was primarily due to the fact that Baltimore seems heavily focused on Adult with fewer attractions geared towards children. Street Morphology Downtown Baltimore’s streets follow a grid pattern though their development is suited to the organic nature of the surroundings, located around Inner Harbor. Breaks or deviations in the grid are found around the Harbor as well as numerous parks and natural greenery is located surround ing much of the Harbor. Inlets disrupt the grid and Harbor Bridge walk connects these busy areas which contain the Baltimore World Center and the national Aquarium (Visit Baltimore, 2012). The streets attempt at a Baroque pattern is evidenced around Camden Yards Oriole Park and M and T Bank Stadium though their concepts remain grid in nature major streets do intersect around these large

Conflict, Decision Making, and Organizational Design Essay

Conflict, Decision Making, and Organizational Design - Essay Example On the other hand, professional differences, which entail approach to assignments, skills and knowledge, also lead to conflicts, especially when an assignment is handled by a team. In the current world, various technological developments have led to more efficiency in the conduction of various assignments. As such, when two people conduct the same assignment using varying technologies, conflicts usually arise. Moreover, as businesses develop, there is usually the necessity of mergers or recruitment of new professionals, which may lead to the rise of conflicts. Despite the presence of such conflicts, many people usually find themselves in unhealthy conflicts, which usually poison the work environment. As such, it is necessary for employees, and management to understand the best way to solve such conflicts when they arise. This paper seeks to give an in-depth evaluation of the negotiation strategies used to address various workplace conflicts. Additionally, how evidence-based managemen t could be applied to the work environment, blocks, stages, and methods of creative decision making to determine the best approach T-Mobile should follow when making managerial decisions, and the environmental and strategic factors that affect the organizational design of T-Mobile will be evaluated. How I could apply negotiation strategies to address potential conflicts in the workplace. Negotiations are very essential in coming up with the best solution for different engagements in the workplace. In most cases, negotiations are unavoidable and thus being knowledgeable on the best negotiation strategies is essential. Negotiation involves various stages, which include preparation, dialogue, clarification of goals, negotiating towards a win-win situation, agreement and implementing the solution realized. Since conflicts also occur in my workplace as a customer service professional for T-Mobile, a clear understanding of how to handle conflicts as they arise and avoid poisoning of the w ork environment is necessary. Therefore, an understanding of factors such as technological developments, culture, age, personality, professional differences among others will help in taking the best approach in handling conflicts by making good negotiations. In this case, getting a clear overview of the underpinning factors leading to such differences is essential. In most cases, when conflicts arise, people usually make personal judgments, which in some cases do not solve the conflicts as anticipated. As such, having been well informed on how conflicts arise, I will always withhold judgment and use efficient problem solving techniques to ensure that the problem is solved completely, and that future occurrences of such conflicts are effectively handled. I will never ignore any conflict that arises as they usually arise out of something. In this regard, I will always utilize the structures implemented by T-Mobile to effectively handle the conflicts. Additionally, I will be very obser vant on how I handle every person or situations to avoid being at the centre of any conflicts. This is because, despite an act being minute, it can have adverse effects, which are beyond the expectations of many. Thus being extra cautious will help a great deal in avoiding occurrences of conflicts in future. Sharpening my negotiation skills and conflict management skills will be very effective in handling confl

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The role of channel marketing in the B2B global marketing challenge Research Paper

The role of channel marketing in the B2B global marketing challenge - Research Paper Example The technological advancement in Europe is believed to be the core reason for massive outsourcing in oil and gas sector of the world. Nevertheless, the outsourcers and channel marketers have more brand value than the mere producers of crude oil. The importance of channel marketers are significantly growing because consumers on the street know the companies that deal in oil and gas products locally. The actual producers of oil and gas do not have sufficient resources that are needed to purify, market and distribute products at an international level. The channel marketers therefore, come into the play. But, in the era of the 21st century, the role of channel marketers is not limited to promotion. They have to purify the crude oil and gas in order to make them consumable (Silvestrea & Dalcol, 2009). Additionally, channel marketers rely on companies like Lumin-Ultra to acquire technologies that are necessary for purification of crude oil based products (Valentini, Montagut, Neslin, & Frey, 2011). Recently, the company has developed a method of on the spot measurement of microorganisms in crude oil and after measurement, the company assists in devising the treatment that will neutralize the impurities and thus more pure crude products can be obtained in this fashion. The featured technology made it easy for producers to find biological agents and get rid of them more effectively and efficiently. The abovementioned process helped the operators in minimizing the time needed to purify the products. The Lumin-Ultra’s major operations are sponsored by channel marketers that are responsible for commercializing the final oil products in the international market. The channel marketers are also found to have more brand reach and recognition in the global consumer market. The actual producers of crude oil do not have necessary technological and financial power required to reach and establish a brand name in global market

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Tip Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Tip - Assignment Example The practice has become a common thing to diners, waiters and other customer servers and customers, alike. Yet there are different reactions to it that it is interesting to note and learn from what people think about the matter. For the receiver of the tip, it is always a welcomed blessing for them to be given a tip for whatever service they have given. To some, it is considered a just compensation for what they did because whether they work well or not, their salary is often low. Thus, better performances are compensated through tips. However, there are also some who look at customers demandingly, thinking that it is but right for customers to give them tips because of the little favors they have done expecting to be paid in return. Still for others, tips can become a motivation for them to do even better in giving services. This brings problems to the attitude of employees towards customers. Sometimes, workers tend to do better when they serve potential clients whom they think would be benevolent enough to give more money but they would not give their best efforts in serving ordinary people. This brings problems that make customers feel discriminated and unsatisfied which in general affects the waiters, r eceptionists and other employees in being perceived negatively. On the other hand, the givers also have different reactions to tips. Some people think about it as a form of begging because they perceive tipping as a forced additional payment that they are obliged to give to the people who served them. Oftentimes, such reactions come from the similarly hard-working people who are not paid very well. However, there are also those who give tips grudgingly considering that they worked harder than the people who served them therefore, they are more entitled to the money than the one who served them. There is the perception that such employees are paid by their employers so they should not give more money to

Monday, July 22, 2019

Wal-Mart SWOT Analysis Essay Example for Free

Wal-Mart SWOT Analysis Essay Wal-Mart has an abundance of strengths which is obvious due to its incredible success. Wal-Mart is the largest employer in the United States and the company is one of the few places left for people to get a decent job without a college education. Wal-Mart also has the second largest net sales in the world. This incredible number of sales is due significantly to Wal-Marts aggressive growth strategy. In 2003 alone they added 425 new stores all over the world. An increase in customer demand for SuperCenters encouraged the company to add 4,000 more. Overall they added 48 million square feet of retail space (Wal-Mart Company Profile 6). They can also attribute their large amount of sales to the fact that they have stores all over the world. Their truly global presence is apparent in their operation of around 1,350 Wal-Mart Discount Stores, 1,700 SuperCenters, 85 Neighborhood Markets and 550 Sams Clubs in the United States, with numbers continuing to grow†¦and about 1,300 locations in Canada, Mexico, the UK, Germany, Asia and South America (Wal-Mart Company Profile 5). One of Wal-Marts competitive advantages is their remarkable logistics system. They are able to ship merchandise from any of their numerous distribution centers in order to provide the cheapest and most efficient route. They even have their own distribution center for their online orders. The invention of sharing sales data with suppliers through computer programs has allowed Wal-Mart to consistently keep their shelves stocked with popular items. Technology in general is an unbelievable strength that Wal-Mart is able to invest in to improve their company. Having a website has allowed for increased sales all over the world. This not only provides convenience for customers, but with a logistics system like the one Wal-Mart has in place, online orders have become a breeze to fill. Even though Wal-Mart has been criticized for their low wages, they are actually doing a lot of good for lower income people. They can save a family about $1,000 a year with their low prices (Wal-Mart Storm 3). Wal-Mart can beat out many competitors with their aggressive pricing strategy. They have the ability to cut prices on some products, such as toys, by thirty percent in order to stimulate more sales. Wal-Mart has even been able to lure in higher-income customers when they open store in more urban areas. Since  Wal-Mart has become the nations largest food retailer, people from all income levels are shopping there for their necessity items. They have even been working on a more upscale appearance of their stores to attract these customers. The service that Wal-Mart offers to its customers is a great advantage as well. They have a strong image that it is a friendly and helpful place to shop where people are always willing to make your experience a good one. The added incentives are the constant price rollback, as well as the store-within-a-store. A great deal of Wal-Marts success can be attributed to the fact that the company was based on identifying, knowing, and understanding what exactly customers want from a retailer. A few final strengths are linked to the public criticisms that Wal-Mart has been facing. They are paying particular close attention to environmental issues and have vowed to increase use of renewable energy, reduce waste and carry environmentally sensitive products†¦Wal-Mart will soon be selling baby clothes made using organically grown cotton and has plans to improve its truck fleet efficiency by twenty-five percent in the next three years (Two Public Relations 3). Wal-Mart has also recently been pushing for a higher minimum wage, a step that is surprising to many other retailers in the industry. Weaknesses In the eyes of some of the general public, Wal-Mart has weaknesses that affect not only their image, but the lives of other people. Some view Wal-Mart as a retailing giant that has taken over the retail industry. Because of Wal-Marts low prices and well-known name, they have been able to capture the sales of an unbelievable number of consumers, and have therefore made it extremely difficult for small retailers to survive. Ethical shoppers, those who are concerned with the well-being of small retailers, are angry at the monopolizing power Wal-Mart has been able to gain in the past few decades. Most small shops have been forced to close due to lack of sales. Some people refuse to shop at Wal-Mart because of these issues. This poor image that Wal-Mart has in some peoples eyes has taken a toll on its stock price as well. Many environmentalists are concerned with the large scale buildings that are  not sensitive to the environment. These buildings also cause a problem of traffic pollution and congestion which can damage small communities. The employees of Wal-Mart can suffer a great deal as well. Many receive only poverty-level wages and horrible health care benefits. Problems with these healthcare benefits lead to employees applying for public aid, which in turn means that taxpayers are the ones paying for Wal-Mart employees healthcare costs (Wal-Mart Storm 2). Wal-Mart has been accused of discriminating against female employees and violating child labor laws. Because of these criticisms, employee morale has been decreased as well. Wal-Mart sometimes has a disadvantage in the location of their stores. Although Wal-Mart has grown and expanded a great deal into the international market, they still do not have a large part of the European market. They are only present in the UK and their competitors are gaining in the other surrounding countries. Wal-Mart also needs to consider the consequences of placing their stores too close together. Instead of increasing the volume of products per store, they open another one. Wal-Mart has already been facing a problem with a decrease in Saturday store sales. A lack of products, as well as a decrease in the quality of them, may be attributed to this loss of sales. They have also been said to have poor presentation and marketing of products on the floor. Price deflation is a serious dilemma that Wal-Mart and many discount stores are facing as well. They often buy too much of one product and then have to put it on sale or clearance in order to turnover the merchandise. Instead of increasing sales with low priced items, Wal-Mart is actually lowering their profits. Consumers will only buy so much of a particular product, even if it is priced low. Wal-Mart has a tendency to overstock and therefore reduce gross margins when they sell products for reduced prices. Also, after seeing disappointing numbers, Wal-Mart has repeatedly said that their company would have increased earnings in the following quarter. Unfortunately, they have not been able to keep this promise. Wal-Mart has a weakness in that they promise unrealistic earnings, and then do not meet their expectations. This causes their stock to constantly waiver. Even as  the economy is rising, Wal-Marts stock is not necessarily seeing an increase. Finally, Wal-Mart can have problems with their flexibility. Since Wal-Mart sells products across many sectors, such as clothing, food, or stationary, it may not have the flexibility of some of its more focused competitors (SWOT Analysis 1). These competitors have the ability to make changes and improve on a certain product lines when the needs of their customers change. Wal-Mart, however, may have too much merchandise and not be able to focus in on sectors that need to be improved. They also might not have the available information, resources and know-how to make any changes. Opportunities Since Wal-Mart is the largest retailer in the United States, it has a very good opportunity to become the largest retailer in the world. They do not always carry a diverse selection of products, so they could expand stores and merchandise to attract more customers. An area that could especially be increased is their musical products. Wal-Mart does not carry a large quantity or mixture of musical products such as instruments, and these can be high profit items. Their image could be improved if they focused on having certain products, such as CDs and DVDs available on their release dates. Along the same lines, Wal-Mart could diversify their store types. They have been successful with implementing Neighborhood Markets, and have even tried a mall store recently. By focusing on a specific target market in a specific area, Wal-Mart could be the number one retailer for everyone. They already have the available resources to try new store types in new segments. It is also a logical step to increase and expand their current SuperCenters, which are expected to increase sales dramatically in the future. The reason it is expected to drive growth so affectively is SuperCenters are considered extremely high growth stores, more productive than supermarkets and expecting to produce $500 in sales per square foot (Wal-Mart Company Profile 8). Wal-Mart has yet to penetrate to many East and West Coast food markets that occupy the top 50 (food retailing markets) (New Competitors 1). Another great opportunity is to improve on the areas which they have been criticized. Wal-Mart has already announced a new health care plan which would increase benefits to employees. They are very concerned with child labor laws, so they have said that they will pay especially close attention to their overseas suppliers and their labor practices. Also, Wal-Mart has the opportunity to work on improving the environment. They have such a large image that any programs they support have the ability to produce tremendous results. By working on solutions to these concerns they can help improve their image and increase their market share. Wal-Mart is such a major player in the retail industry that its decisions can have an effect on the global economy, the environment and society. They have the ability to slightly decrease the price of inflation because of their low prices. Also, due to their low prices, there is an increase in wages in developing countries. For the United States, wages may be low, but in other places where manufacturing goods is cheaper, wages can actually be considered high. By offering jobs and increasing the wealth in other countries, it is possible for a substantial middle class to exist there and also increase Wal-Mart sales by having stores in those areas (Wal-Mart Storm 4. Continued international expansion is a huge strategic opportunity for Wal-Mart. There is actually more opportunity for growth in developing countries and Asian markets than there is in the United States (Variety Stores 8). Creating alliances and licensing agreements are ways to move into these market segments. Other growth opportunities include the Internet and improved supply chain management through radio-frequency identification (RFID). Threats In order to keep prices low, Wal-Mart has had to cut costs in other areas. This includes squeezing suppliers to offering their products at much lower prices. This has driven competitors to do the same, which is causing profits to plunge downward drastically. A threat to Wal-Marts image is the fact that for the few years after they open up a new store, the wages of  that county fall by three to five percent. Another threat is the rapidly growing chain of Dollar General discount stores. These stores are able to open in smaller areas where there are not enough customers to support Wal-Mart. The deep discount that is offered at Dollar stores competes greatly with Wal-Mart. The economy has a slight effect on Wal-Marts customers. They have an advantage because the do offer cheap products that appeal to people in the time of a recession. However, most of Wal-Marts customers do not directly experience most of the governments attempts to stimulate the economy. Wal-Mart must work very hard to compete in times of uncertainty. Another threat that Wal-Mart faces is brand-name recognition. Although they carry and have increased their assortment of name brand products, most consumers searching for name brand products will not look at Wal-Mart to find them. Wal-Mart lacks a direct sales force to increase sales, whereas smaller retailers are focusing more and more on this aspect therefore increasing their competition. A major threat to Wal-Mart is the areas that they are expanding into may not be easily attainable. It will be difficult for them to gain a good part of the market share of hard-line products such as home improvements. These areas have greater competition and Wal-Mart does not have a clear cost advantage. International expansion may also create slow or rough short-term growth. The international market is predicted to have excellent long-term growth success, but these earnings may not be seen in the near future. Also, Wal-Mart has huge expansion plans that are very public. If these stores do not open on time, or are subject to delays and build issues, then analysts predictions will not be met and share price may suffer (Wal-Mart Company Profile 9). On the contrary, if Wal-Mart successfully meets all of its deadlines, investors may still be hesitant to invest in their company. In the past, when retailers meet their expectations, and the economy is doing well, they tend to under perform. Also, two of Wal-Marts main product lines, apparel and food, are very slow growth sectors, and Wal-Marts dominating position in the industry may make investors believe there is little room for the company to grow. Wal-Marts image has been seriously threatened by the numerous accusations of being bad for the country (Two Public Relations 1). The documentary movies that are being produced could seriously hurt the companys sales, especially since they are being premiered right as the holiday shopping season is starting. The shopping experience some customers have at their store is also a threat to Wal-Mart. Customers are often complaining about the long checkout lines and the insufficient quality of the products that are offered. Once this idea is spread throughout a community, it is difficult to change the publics opinion. Also, RFID could possibly be a threat to Wal-Mart by ruining relationships with suppliers. This system promises to do a great deal for supply-chain management. However, there is always the possibility that technology promises more than it can actually offer. Some manufacturers of low-cost consumer products may not see the advantages of implementing such a system and not want to comply with Wal-Marts mandate for the new system. Recommendations Wal-Mart has been extremely successful in the past, and has a very promising future ahead of them. Unfortunately, there is always a negative side to success. For Wal-Mart, they are faced with opposition from people who are concerned with the little guy. The fact that Wal-Mart has the ability and resources to be such a major competitor in the retail industry scares some people. Small stores in small communities, as well as employees, target Wal-Mart because they know it is a large company with the resources to defend itself. In order to improve its image in the eyes of these people, Wal-Mart may want to address these issues head on. Wal-Mart has already taken giant strides to be seen as a more environmentally friendly organization, as well as to increase the benefits of its employees. They should continue this approach, possibly even more publicly than other retailers in the industry. Wal-Mart could even start a campaign to help the little guy. Since they have such a global impact, any issue they raise will undeniably get a great deal of attention. In a campaign of this sort, Wal-Mart could focus on promoting the  other small specialty stores in their community. They could help advertise for local shops that do not sell competing products, but complimentary ones. Instead of taking sales away from themselves, Wal-Mart could change their image to one of a company that cares about the community. Along with this, Wal-Mart should focus on their employees. Publicly giving employee benefits or rewards will increase morale as well as their image. Once Wal-Mart has invested in their image in their home country, they should also focus on increasing their market share in the international markets that they are not already involved in. Some other countries hold the greatest growth potential and these areas should be seriously considered by Wal-Mart. References Cramer, James J. Wal-Mart, Fess Up to Weakness Within. Wake-Up,17 August 2005. 18 November 2005. Retrieved from . Kalra, Ritu. Wal-Mart Storm Swirling. The Hartford Courant. 2 November 2005. 3 November 2005. Retrieved from . Lindeman, Teresa F. Two Public Relations Campaigns pit Wal-Mart Against Critics. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. 1 November 2005. 3 November 2005. Retrieved from . McClenahen, John S. Wal-Marts Big Gamble. April 2005. 3 November 2005. Retrieved from New Competitors Move on Supers. MMR. 22(10) p.162. 10 June 2005. 3 November 2005. Retrieved from . SWOT Analysis Wal-Mart. Marketing Teacher. 18 November 2005. Retrieved from . The Story of Wal-Mart. The Cultural Marketplace The NUR Network. 3 November 2005. Retrieved from . Variety Stores. Encyclopedia of American Industries Online Edition. Gale, 2004. 3 November 2005. Retrieved from . Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Company Profile. April 2005. 3 November 2005. Retrieved from .

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Drug Trafficking Laws And Penalties Criminology Essay

Drug Trafficking Laws And Penalties Criminology Essay Drug trafficking laws and penalties should be stricter worldwide because drug use and overdose is becoming more prevalent throughout the world and is destroying the lives of innocent people, especially teens. The effects of drug use and drug trafficking damage our global economy, affects the youth of the word, and spurs violence amongst people. The world must join together to stop drug traffickers from transporting illegal substances all over the world. Economic costs that are related to substance abuse and drug trafficking are extremely high. Drug trafficking cartels can become powerful enough to corrupt a country. The UN Drug Control Program has noted the difficulty of maintaining an honest and democratic government while fighting a drug war when they said: In systems where a member of the legislature or judiciary, earning only a modest income, can easily gain the equivalent of some 20 months salary from a trafficker by making one favorable decision, the dangers of corruption are obvious [United Nations International Drug Control Program]. When a drug trafficking organization gains enough money, they begin to bribe local officials and destroy countries. As the Un Drug Report said, People are easily bribed when they are able to make an equivalent of a 20 month salary in a few days [United Nations International Drug Control Program]. Once a drug cartel corrupts one official, it becomes a chain reaction of corruption. Eventually a dr ug cartel can grow enough to control a country as a whole. Pablo Escobar and his drug cartel are a great example of this corruption. During the 1980s, Escobar became known internationally as the Medellin Cartel gained notoriety. During Escobars era, he and his Medellin Cartel were said to have controlled about 80 percent of the drug shipments that entered illegally to the United States, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic. Most of his drug plantations were located throughout Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia because Colombian cocaine was considered to be of the highest quality. Escobars business and products spread across North and South America, and small parts of Asia as well. Escobar bribed and corrupted countless Colombian government officials, judges and other politicians with execution as his main punishment for not agreeing to his bribes. Escobars cruel ways resulted in hundreds of deaths for people that did not comply with his demands. His strategy was referred to as Plata o Plomo; Spanish for silver or lead, which was intended to mean accept a bribe or face assassination. Escobar seized control of all of Colombia and used his power to grow his drug empire [The Medellin Traveler]. Drug Trafficking affects the global economy through health care and welfare costs as well. Drug use can cause HIV and other illnesses amongst people. When drug addicts shoot heroin and other drugs into themselves they do not use sanitary needles and most addicts share needles with others. If one drug user was previously infected with HIV and uses a needle to do drugs. That needle has infected blood on it and when another user uses that same needle, he becomes infected as well. Most drug addicts end up in the hospital and the cost of their treatment is very expensive. Most drug addicts are very poor because they spend most if not all of their money on drugs and alcohol. A large amount of drug addicts are on welfare and are given food stamps and places to live. The costs of providing drug addicts with food and shelters are very expensive as well. Most of these drug addicts do not stop using because they are too addicted. Then there are the recovering drug addicts of the world that create large costs to the economy as well. As I mentioned, most drug addicts are very poor and if they do try to recover, they have to go to treatment centers. The government usually pays these treatment centers for the recovering drug addicts that they treat. Some drug addicts eventually are cured and are then able to word and contribute to the growth of our economy. But, there are millions of drug addicts that leave treatment centers only to come back to them in a few months for the same reasons. Drugs also create productivity losses including deaths, victimization, incarceration, and crime careers. This means that there could have been more people working and stimulating the economy that have been either killed or incarcerated because of their involvement with drugs. A study prepared by The Lewin Group for the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism estimated the total economic cost of alcohol and drug abuse to be $245.7 billion for 1992 in the United States. The Lewin Group also estimated that 40% or $97.7 billion of that was due to drug abuse. The costs of treatment and prevention as well as other healthcare costs, job productivity, lost earnings and welfare were also included in this number [National Institute on Drug Abuse]. These costs were paid for by the millions of tax payers of the United States that worked hard and did not get involved with drugs. Drug trafficking and abuse is very prevalent among the youth of world. According to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, young people who persistently abuse substances often experience an array of problems, including academic difficulties, health-related problems (including mental health), poor peer relationships, and involvement with the juvenile justice system [Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention]. Additionally, there are consequences for family members, the community, and the entire society. Usually adolescents that use or are involved with drugs often disengage from school and community activities. Drugs deprive students peers and communities of the positive contributions that they might have. These students stop playing sports and do not join extra-curricular activities. There are countless teenagers across the world that have so much talent that is wasted because of drug use. Some kids might have potential to be superstars in sports and c lubs but because of drugs they cannot do so. Substance-abusing youth are at a higher risk for mental and physical problems than nonusers. Youth who abuse drugs are prone to many problems including depression, conduct problems, suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, and suicide. Most kids who begin using drugs become outcasts in schools and do not have many friends. Because of this, they use drugs even more to ease their pain. This causes thousands of suicides and overdoses throughout the world. Drug use is becoming more and more prevalent in very young children as well as well as youth in high school. The percentage of 8th graders reporting lifetime use of any illicit drug declined from 20.9% to 19% from 2006 to 2007. Although the percentage of use has declined, 19% of 8th graders are still a tremendous amount of 13 and 14 year olds using illicit drugs. While the amount of 8th graders doing drugs went down, the amount of 12th graders using drugs has increased. In 2007, 15.4% of 12th graders reported using a prescription drug without a prescription within the past year. Between 2005 and 2007, past year abuse of Ecstasy increased among 12th graders from 3.0% to 4.5%, which makes a 50% change in just two years. Also between 2004 and 2007 abuse of Ecstasy increased among 10th graders from 2.4% to 3.5% [U.S Drug Enforcement Administration]. Aside from personal adversities, the abuse of drugs by youth can jeopardize many other aspects of life for youth, especially family life. Sometimes drug abuse can result in family dysfunction where families do not communicate and sometimes stop living with each other. Substance abuse can also drain a familys financial and emotional resources. Arrests and interventions by the juvenile justice system are eventual consequences for many of the youth that are involved with drug use. This can place unnecessary stress on families causing them to shift apart from each other. Having to constantly worry about your childs safety and security is hard for anyone, especially parents whose children are involved with drugs. The International Narcotics Control Board has urged an international collaboration to stamp out internet trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances around the world, wrote Rohit Sharma in her article about drug trafficking [Sharma, Rohit]. Internet Drug trafficking is becoming much more popular throughout illegal drug organizations. It seems to be safer and more profitable than physically selling drugs. Internet Trafficking also allows these organizations to sell drugs all over the world from one single warehouse or destination. Two internet pharmacies in Bangkok and one in Chiang Mai, Thailand, mainly serving the US market, were closed down between November 1999 and January 2000 after raids by Thai authorities with the close collaboration of US Drug Enforcement Administration. These pharmacies were sending parcels of drugs to US citizens, including many drug addicts, who could not get their prescription from US doctors [Sharma, Rohit]. Since then, millions of pharmacies like these have opened and are constantly selling drugs to people all over the world. The UN should create a new taskforce designed solely for tracking down drug sales over the internet. They can stop these pharmacies by ordering drugs with fake names and addresses so that they can shut down these illegal pharmacies. Other than internet trafficking, many countries have increased their efforts to stop physical drug trafficking by strengthening borders, arresting drug cartels and destroying crops. The International Narcotics Control Strategy Report says, Efforts to restrain the activities of global drug trafficking and money laundering operations gained ground, even in the face of war, corruption, insurgency and economic disruption. Here are some examples of what some countries have done: President Obama and his administration have designed a new plan with the Government of Mexico to stop the transportation of drugs across our borders [Homeland Security]. In Colombia, the Colombian police destroyed more than 124,000 hectares of coca crops in 2003, a third record year for eradication, said Assistant Secretary for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Robert Charles [Porter, Charlene]. Germany hosted a seminar for Drug Trafficking on Jan. 29, 2010. There were 91 participants from 61 countries. The seminar examined how terrorists can use narcotics profits to fund terrorist activities and how they can make countries corrupt. All of the participants conversed with each other on a strategy to help stop international drug trafficking [Tudor, Jason]. Although some countries have done a lot to stop drug trafficking, West Africa is a country in need of major help. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime estimates at least 50 tons of cocaine transits through West Africa annually. The availability of narcotics to the public in the region is increasing as well because traffickers pay transportation cost with drugs instead of money. The UN needs to help West Africa in the global war against drugs because it has been a crucial area for drug traffickers to transport drugs from. West Africa is a notably poor country and barely has enough money to support itself let alone stop drug trafficking. Over the past several years, an estimated $2 billion of cocaine was transported from Latin America to Europe via West Africa. More money and Drug task forces should be sent and activated in West Africa to stop this area from being the massive drug transport area that it is [Kruzel, John]. The United States has done a lot to stop drug trafficking throughout the US as well as the rest of the world. The HIDTA (High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas) Program is the main government run program that works to stop drug trafficking across America. They have about 30 headquarters around the country and use different strategies to stop drug trafficking depending on the region in which they are located. One of the greatest examples of their work has been in Philadelphia, PA and Camden NJ. Being that Philadelphia and Camden are very close to New York City, they have become one of the busiest illegal drug transit routes on the eastern seaboard. There are major interstate rail and highway systems along with a major airport that have become the key shipping terminals for illegal drugs in the region. The Philadelphia/ Camden HIDTA division has setup a total of 11 squads in Philadelphia to reduce the amount of drug trafficking to and from the city. The Regional Investigative Support Center was made successful by assigning full-time Philadelphia Police Department officers and supervisors manning the Watch Center, 8:00 AM-10:00PM, Monday through Friday. The HIDTA also works with Internal Revenue Service which provides the HIDTA with financial information on people being investigated and reports suspicious activity to the HIDTA as well. Lastly, field drug identification training is currently offered to the newly assigned Philadelphia police officers to teach how to distinguish people who are under the influence with people who are sober. Since the establishing of the program in 1995, the Philadelphia / Camden HIDTA have decreased the flow of drug trafficking by 30% until now [Office of National Drug Control Policy]. Drug trafficking cartels spread violence and lawlessness throughout our border region and reach into all of our communities, large and small, said Attorney General Eric H. Holder. Drug dealers create violence because they have their own wars with each for profits. During these wars, innocent people are put at risk because of the constant shootouts and gun fights that happen. Two ongoing gang wars over drug markets in Chicago accounted for more than 100 homicides during 1987-1994. This total represents 11% of all gang-related homicides in Chicago in that time span [Howell, James]. Los Angeles, California is one of the most dangerous cities in the United States. Los Angeles is also known for the two major gangs that are constantly at war throughout the city. The Bloods and the Crips are one of the two most dangerous gangs in America. The profits from each of these gangs come from their drug trafficking and selling. With these profits they buy weapons which then create more violence and catastrophes across the state. Drug trafficking and gang violence go hand in hand with each other around the United States. Where there are gangs, there is drug trade and vice versa. I believe that if we eliminate drugs in this country, we eliminate gang violence once and for all. Drug Trafficking is causing gangs to spread all over the U.S and put more and more towns in danger of gang violence [Howell, James]. Drug trafficking efforts have to drastically increase throughout the world and the United States. Although a lot is being done, there has to be more done if we ever want to stop the horrors of drug trafficking. The affects of drugs destroy our economies and our youth. They do nothing but bring violence and mayhem to the world.

Effect of Gender Equality in the Economy

Effect of Gender Equality in the Economy Michael .O. Sanni Hypothesis: There is a positive correlation between gender equality with respect to economic development. My Initial Hypothesis In the labor market, one may assume that a rà ©sumà © and credentials are the only significant factor contributing to securing a job in an organization, but that proves to be wrong especially for women. Increasing job opportunities and decent work for women is essential for growth that vital for advancing social and economic development (ADB, 2003). After careful observation of countries where social, behavioral, and cultural attributes are the criteria by which individual’s performance is evaluated. I wondered whether or not gender equality had an effect on how well a country’s economy is developing. Based on the mental representation of what we know and expect about girls and women, we tend to be bias in our perception of females being less intelligent, under-skilled and not being clever enough to partake in economic activities. If employers have this type of mindset, I am curious to know under what circumstances gender equality affects the development of a country’s economy. The Empirical Evidence There are numerous factors that determine the social and economic development of a nation, one of which is gender equality. It is a critical component of economic development, it is a basic right that does not need economic vindication. Gender inequality proves to be the causes of poverty in the society as a whole. Yet gender equality has broad and positive implications for social and economic development. A number of studies have attempted to establish a positive correlation between them.Kuznets (1995) thesis regarding a curvilinear relationship between economic development and inequality, propose that economic development and gender equality also exhibit a non-monotonic relationship, marked by three phases. Economic development should improve gender equality in the first phase; in the second phase equality increases or decline slightly; and in the third phase, it should rise again (Eastin Prakash, 2012). Every sector of a nation affect the economy directly or indirectly, take for instance; equality in the educational sector. Hill and King (1993) estimated that the correlation between female education and the gender gap in primary and secondary enrollment on gross domestic product (GDP) per capita between 1975 and 1985 is statistically and economically significant. Countries with a lower level of inequality have higher GNP compare with similar countries that have a higher level of gender inequality. Which means the more equality we have in a country the greater the impact on the economy development. Breaking the barriers of inequality in education matters instrumentally, because greater equality contribute to economic efficiency, achievement and other key developmental outcomes. Human capital is define as the skill, knowledge and physical capacity that allows the labor force to be economically productive. Increasing educational opportunities for women offers them the freedom to accumulate greater skills and expertise in the labor force and thus raise the potential for economic development. More so, women who are learned can undertake valuable economic activities. Abu-Ghaida and Klasen (2002) further provides empirical reseach indicating that a country failing to close the gender gap in education could experience a decrease in per capita income by 0.1 to 0.3 percentage points. Countries are rarely wealthy if they have poor gender equality in education. It has become widely understood that promoting gender equality is crucial for of an effective economic and human development strategy. According to world bank(2013)â€Å"Development community have come to understand that development policies and actions that fail to take gender inequality into account and fail to address gap between males and females will have limited effectiveness and serious cost implications.† The process of development may also lead to the adoption of institutions that favor gender equality. For example, if women are given the chance to participate in various sectors of the economy such as; agriculture, can help put an end to gender discrimination barrier to improve agricultural productivity. Breaking the obstacles of unequal distributions of resources, including credit extension, labor, and fertilizer that leads to inefficiencies which lower yields and profits; and markedly reduces incomes in some countries. This is mostly true for low-income countries, notably sub-Saharan Africa, where agriculture makes up a large proportion of the total economy and where a large number of women participate in this sector. Gender equality will provide educational and employment opportunities for women which will help in alleviating poverty and hunger. More so, children who receive more education are likely to profit more, but girls typically benefit more from extra education than boys according to Psacharapoulos Patrinos, (2002). In many developing countries, this benefit seems greater from secondary and tertiary education than from primary education. Women will also receive higher wages from entering the formal sector than from the agricultural sector, implying that expanding these opportunities for women will further alleviate poverty (Kingdon Soderbom, 2007). The accessible of health care and antenatal health care services will be easier for educated women and those in employment, thus reducing child mortality rates also has an impact on economic development. My Current Opinion My hypothesis was supported. After reading the empirical evidence regarding the effect gender equality has on economic development, I believe it is critical to societal progress both socially and economically. We live in a male-dominated world, but to foster economic growth, alleviate poverty and provide a better standard of living, both male and female have their roles to play, and we need to have a shift in our thinking. Feminist have argued that women and men are born with equal human capacity to learn, develop, and contribute to shaping the world. In 1995 more than 47,000 women and men participated in the creation of the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action. The Platform clearly stated that the empowerment of women and gender equality were critical to international development, peace, and human right. Investing in women education as Lawrence Summers (1992) says, ‘may well be the highest return investment available in the developing world’. Creating opportunities for girls and women to acquire knowledge has reduced the gender gap in almost all countries. In secondary education, these gaps are closing rapidly and have reversed in many countries, especially in Latin America, the Caribbean, and East Asia. Among developing countries, girls now outnumber boys in secondary schools in 45 countries and there are more young women than men in universities in 60 countries (ADR 2012). Empowering women as economic, political, and social stand-in characters can change policy choices and make institutions more representative of a range of voices. In India for instance, giving power to women at the local level led to increases in the provision of public goods, and basic social amenities which mattered more to women (ADR 2012). The mismanagement of women’s skills and talent comes at a high economic cost, gender equality can have large impacts on productivity. Women now represent a majority of the global labor force, 43 percent of the agricultural workforce, and more than half of the world’s university students. Women’s skills and talents should be engaged in activities that make the best use of those abilities, for an economy to be functioning at its optimum capacity. References Doepke, M., and M. Tertilt. 2010. â€Å"Does Female Empowerment Promote Economic Development?† BREAD Working Paper 281, Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development. 20 Dollar, D., and Gatti, R. 1999. Gender, Inequality, Income, and Growth: Are Good Times Good for Women? Background paper for Engendering Development. World Bank, Washington, D.C. Klasen, S., and Lamanna, F. 2009. The Impact of Gender Inequality in Education and Employment on Economic Growth: New Evidence for a Panel of Countries. Feminist Economics 15 (3): 91-132 World Bank. 2011. World Development Report 2012: Gender Equality and Development. Washington DC: The World Bank. Munshi, K., and Rosenzweig, M. 2006. Traditional Institutions Meet the Modern World: Caste, Gender, and Schooling Choice in a Globalizing Economy. American Economic Review 96 (4): 1225-52. Klasen, S. 1999. â€Å"Does Gender Inequality Reduce Growth and Development? Evidence from Cross-Country Regressions.† Background paper for Engendering Development, World Bank, Washington D.C. Klasen, S. 2002. Low Schooling for Girls, Slower Growth for All? Cross-Country Evidence on the Effect of Gender Inequality in Education on Economic Development. World Bank Economic Review 16 (3): 345-73 Hill, A., and E. King. 1993. â€Å"Women’s education in developing countries: an overview† in Women’s Education in Developing Countries. Ed. Elizabeth M. King and M. Anne Hill, 1-50. Baltimore, MD: The John Hopkins University Press. Bertocchi, G. 2008. The enfranchisement of women and the welfare State. Center for Economic Research (RECent) 018, University of Modena and Reggio E., Dept. of Economics.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Budget Deficit & National Debt :: essays research papers

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the short- and long-term effects of current budget deficits and the nation debt. In order to do this; I first had to find out exactly what they were. I will also discuss whether I think the government should operate with a balanced budget. Budget deficit is the amount by which total government spending is more than government income during a specified period; the amount of money which the government has to raise by borrowing or currency emission in order to make up for the shortfall in tax revenues. National debt denotes the total sum of the outstanding debt obligations of a country's central government. I discovered that many people use the term somewhat more broadly to refer to the total indebtedness of all levels of government, including regional and local governments and sometimes also the indebtedness of government owned business entities such as local transit and communications systems or nationalized industries as well. The national debt represents the accumulated total of all the government budget deficits of past years, less the accumulated total of all the government budget surpluses of past years. In the United States, the national debt consists almost entirely of interest-bearing "IOU" instruments that are usually re-sellable on organized financial markets such as, for example, U.S. bonds, U.S. treasury notes, and U.S. treasury bills. These IOUs are originally purchased from the Treasury by private individuals, private corporations, insurance companies, pen sion funds and banks (both inside the United States and outside its borders), and the Treasury then uses the money it raised to bridge its spending gap when its budget is in deficit. The Treasury also sells IOUs to other Federal agencies that operate so-called trust funds -- primarily the Social Security Administration and other Federal retirement programs. The complication here is that since this is money that the government "owes to itself," it is not counted as part of the national debt in any realistic system of accounting. I find this to be really strange. Money to pay the annual interest owed to the owners of the government's debt instruments has to be provided through appropriations in every year's Federal budget. These interest payments on the national debt constitute as one of the largest spending categories in the budget. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is an estimate of the total money value of the entire final goods and services produced in a given one-year period using the factors of production located within a particular country's borders.

Friday, July 19, 2019

art :: essays research papers

Beginning with the media of watercolor her senior year, Sara Dosenberry, realized her love for the world of art, creativity, and beauty. Jan Alfano, the inspiring art teacher favored watercolor, which is how Sara developed much of her technique. With her love of the all art she has realized an influence from music coming into play in some of her more current works. Another more current influence and most prominent in her works has been her past three vacations in Hawii. Displaying a very organic, realistic feel to her works, Sara enjoys potraying this through natural tropical scenes including seascapes, landscapes, and her favorite subject that appears repeatedly, palm trees. She is self expressive with her use of warm and bright colors, loose brush stroke, and realistic portrayals she is creating wonderful movement and fluidity. This provides a calmming relaxed and clean composition.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the future, hoping to find a career restoring paintings, Sara has choosin Kendall College of Art and Design to fufill her education in this creative field. Included in her foundation classes is three dimentional design class, which Sara find to be especially enjoyable and very open to creativity, unlike most other foundation classes which are mostly teaching technique. She is allowed freedom of expression while she still maintains her organic, soft and relaxed style.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Beginning the semester with a very unique and original assignment, Sara responded using those same elements, using her very theme of palm trees. The project was a first and successful attempt to the beginning of three dimentional design. The nest objective was to create a modular form which she thought to be difficult and uncreative in terms of her exploring the projects limits. She was unsatisfied with her use of neitive space but still has learned a great deal from the project. A more current sculpture was developed with a media which was new to her, sculpey, a type of clay.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Teacher and Student Relationships :: Education Discipline Essays

The teacher student relationship is very important for children. Children spend approximately 5 to 7 hours a day with a teacher for almost 10 months. We ask ourselves what is considered a good teacher? All of us have gone through schooling, and if fortunate had a favorite teacher. A positive relationship between the student and the teacher is difficult to establish, but can be found for both individuals at either end. The qualities for a positive relationship can vary to set a learning experience approachable and inviting the students to learn. A teacher and student who have the qualities of good communications, respect in a classroom, and show interest in teaching from the point of view of the teacher and learning from a student will establish a positive relationship in the classroom. I will be focusing on the relationship between the student and teacher, involving a setting in the primary grades, which I have found second grade to be extremely important for the student to gain a po sitive attitude for their future education. Children have different strategies for learning and achieving their goals. A few students in a classroom will grasp and learn quickly, but at the same time there will be those who have to be repeatedly taught using different techniques for the student to be able to understand the lesson. On the other hand, there are those students who fool around and use school as entertainment. Teaching then becomes difficult, especially if there is no proper communication. Yet, teachers, creating a positive relationship with their students, will not necessarily control of all the disruptive students. The book, Responsible Classroom Discipline written by Vernon F. Jones and Louise Jones discuss how to create a learning environment approachable for children in the elementary schools. According to the Jones, â€Å" Student disruptions will occur frequently in classes that are poorly organized and managed where students are not provided with appropriate and interesting instructional tasks† (101) . The key is, teachers need to continuously monitor the student in order for him or her to be aware of any difficulties the student is having. Understanding the child’s problem, fear, or confusion will give the teacher a better understanding the child’s learning difficulties. Once the teacher becomes aware of the problems, he or she will have more patience with the student, thus making the child feel secure or less confused when learning is taking place in the classroom.

Compare and contrast the main principles in psychoanalysis therapy and behavior therapy Essay

In generally, the majority of people are experienced in any condition of anxiety and depression as part of their life. Good mental health is defined as a person whose ability to satisfy in any condition as well as sustain his/her brain’s health in good relationships to others. (Grohol, 2008) However, Kendra Cherry (2010) educator also indicated that social contact must be needed in order to maintain their life balance.(p5-8) Undeniably, too many emotions have been brought about a huge amount of mental health problem which caused a very moody. The aim of this essay is to focus on the principles of mental health problem in psychoanalysis and behavior therapy, comparing these two therapies in detail. The main argument of this essay is to evaluate these two therapies whether they are effective or not. Main Body: Psychoanalysis therapy: According to Anthony Elliott (1995), ‘The relevance and importance of psychoanalysis is to concern the proliferation of approaches in social-theoretical thinking and the concept of physical health problem as it related in this essay.(p.5) Simply, psychoanalysis therapy is tend to release repressed emotions including addiction, anxiety and depression which used to treat and relax patient’s mind. To clarify human psyche of psychoanalysis therapy, psychoanalysis seems to be focused on early childhood. Steps in integration According to the book ‘Psychoanalysis, Literature and War’ (Steiner , 1997: 64-69), psychoanalytical process is likely to be reflected in early infantile development. For the psychological perspective, scientists discovered that the early infantile object relationships tend to influence deeply the whole of psychological work. For instance, when the happen to people during childhood could be affected later act as adults. Obviously, psychoanalytic therapy is made as a treatment which solve the conflicts between unconscious and conscious mind.In short, frequently, psychoanalysis therapy is tend to be clarified as a treatment to look how the unconscious influence the human’s thoughts and behaviors, especially during the early  childhood experience. Behavior therapy Behavior therapy also can be involved as a treatment which is focused on the idea we learn from the environment as well as influenced by observing the behaviors of others. Generally, the majority of people who have anxiety disorder, phobias and depression due to their behavior changes. These symptoms are likely happened because the behaviour change to emerge any problems which caused by the systematic desensitization. Behavior therapy of personality According to the book ‘Child and Adolescent Psychiatry’ (Lawrance, 2002) demonstrated that a type of techniques: respondent conditioning, operant conditioning and social learning are relied on the principles of operant conditioning. For example, teachers utilize punishment to attempt or alter students’ behaviour. Moreover, a child who finishes his works will get as a reward to go to the park. This practices mean that whether it is punishment or reward, reinforcement could be used to strengthen, develop or enhance behaviour. Moreover, behavior therapy also is likely to about observation. Observational learning basically refers to a type of processes. According to Art Markman (2013), ‘Attentional process is the act of perceiving or watching and learning from others.’ When people focus on goals and actions, the process is tend to allow for those who want to achieve that goal. Simply, the behavior would be reflected person’s actions across situation automatically. The another main process is retention process which refers to memorizing that has been observed. For the positive perspective, in order to achieve the goal, it is important that the person participants in the process actively rather than being a passive spectator. Obviously, behavior therapy is likely to be a function in prescribing curative procedures that will lead to improved behavior. Evaluate the treatment of efficacy Psychoanalysis therapy Generally, psychoanalysis treatment is done by face-to-face individually with the patient rather than group work. The psychologists focus in treatment are usually analyze the patients’ situation and the way related to their  conflicts or problems. First of all, in the short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy general target in social functioning and clarify what psychiatric symptoms is. According to Erik Driessen (2011, 74(1):58-71), Short-term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (STPP) is used to treat in personality and depression disorders. Utilizing the time-honoured approach is likely a way to evaluate a patient for their development. He has also done the research that 68% of 341 patients for major depressive disorder have been counted in the primary analysis for 3 months. Although the consequence has no significant differences between on any treatment, psychodynamic psychotherapy is tend to be effective treatment only when it analyses the slowly growing body of work. In the other hand, due to the insufficient short-term psychotherapy, psychologists examine the efficacy to long-term psychotherapy in complex mental health. During in their experiment lasting for least a year, 971 patients have been included to conduct a meta-analysis of Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP). The result demonstrated that the participants (LTPP) compared with the less intensive forms of psychotherapy between 0.48 – 0.68 (effect size). That means LTPP is superior than less intensive forms of psychotherapy in complex mental health. Obviously, long-term psychotherapy is tend to be more essential and efficient than other psychotherapy. (Leichsenring, 2011) Behaviour therapy Behaviour Modification is the importance of experimental analysis of behaviour development which are based in operant conditioning or the practical development in order to alter behaviour. According to the University Complutense of Madrid, (Labardor, 2004) the research indicated that psychotherapy could be used to control the sense of trying to recover or alter behaviour.( p178-187) For example, if the individual who is depressed, create a new possibility: encourage he/she to seek out reinforcers through hobbies or social activities which the problem could be extinguished. For any disorder, utilizing behavioural programmes lead to let the patient learn or identify the problem behaviour and solve. Furthermore, a group of people who are experienced in long working hour, tend to be encountered the problem of insomnia. When the situation is inability to obtain adequate amount of sleep within 15 minutes, it is recommended to set a limit hours in every night. (Peter, 2011) Sleep restriction is a behavior  therapy of treatment for insomnia. Sleeping in the limiting time, sleep efficiency would be improved by your behaviour change as applying the psychotherapy. However, the treatment of behaviour therapy could not apply all circumstances due to the restriction of person. For example, in some case, a loss of important information of the person of causes or the person’s history to determine current behaviour. Conclusion In this essay, it compare and contrast the differences between psychoanalysis therapy and behavior therapy. Psychoanalysis therapy is the method which used to extinguish a person’s depression with using the social-theoretical thinking and the concept of physical health problem. Comparing with the behaviour therapy, it appears to emphasize the idea we learn from the environment thus behavior change. Indeed, living in a modern world, ‘imitation’ is the technical ability which is inherent – belonging to the basic nature of someone. The human’s behaviour is led to follow by observing the behaviors of others. Although, these two therapies aims to deal with a range of psychological difficulties, behaviour therapy tends to contribute directly to the patient for treating his/her feelings or action. However, in another way, behaviour therapy is not the best treatment which use to approach serious psychological disorder such as depression and anxiety disorder. Reference list: 1. Cherry, K (2010). 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